Wednesday, 5 May 2010

One string instruments

Look, I am trying to get on with building a trike (, I really don't need any more distractions. Stop teasing me with ideas, sounds, and resources.
A little while back I went to see Sea-sick Steve at the academy in Birmingham. In my mind SSS is the ultimate in 'cool' music - I mean I like his sound a lot, but i like his style just as much. He clearly loves to make music and he does it with ease and 'cool' on any old stringed instrument - and i mean 'any old' - check out this video. But the thing that really inspired me was the ease he was able to get such a great sound of a one string diddley bow (or for an electrified one check this one out)

- i really wanted one of those!
So I made one.

It's OK but its not great. I think the string (from an electric guitar) is too thin - its too 'twingy', not enough 'twongy' - if you know what i mean. And the jamie oliver tin is exactly as you would expect from jamie oliver - i need a resonator tin with a bit more growl (check this out as an example)
So I'm sorry to say my first attempt at a one string diddley bow has been archived to a dusty corner of my office

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